

Meet Murphy

Birthday: 11/11/07
Breed: Cavachon
Color: Buff with apricot ears and markings
Weight: 18 lbs
Nicknames: Murph, Murph Man, Pups
Favorite toy: Any type of ball, preferably a small squeaking one
Favorite activities: Napping in the sun and looking out the window
Tricks: sit, stay, stand, shake, dance

Fun facts:
1. Murphy is only allowed to sleep in our bed on weekend nights
2. He gets anxiety in the car and wears a thundershirt
3. Murphy was 2 lbs when I brought him home for the first time, he couldn't even climb over a leg
4. He has 2 'cousins', Riley & Brady, who happen to be brother and sister. Murphy loves Riley more :)
5. He thinks every fleece blanket belongs to him
6. He is very bad at going on walks, he thinks going to the bathroom every 10 feet is appropriate
7. He barks everytime a doorbell rings, even if it's on tv
8. Speaking of tv, Murphy loves watching it, especially when he sees animals
9. Murphy is very good at playing hide-and-seek
10. If you lay down on the floor, he will find a toy and think it's playtime
11. Enjoys scratching his back under chairs

Here is a glimpse of Murphy through the years: