
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Framing Tickets

Pinterest and Challenge in the same sentence, sounds right up my alley.


Sherry from Young House Love and Katie from Bower Power came up with a challenge to take place every season.  Basically, it makes you stop pinning and start doing.

I needed one more frame to fill my gallery wall so I began looking on Pinterest for some ideas.  The wall is based around memories and sentimental items from my 7+ years dating my now hubby.  I found some fun ideas and knew I could use my box of memories to help me carry it out.

This was my inspiration for the challenge: 

found here

I dug through the box and pulled out movie tickets, train tickets, concert tickets, sporting event tickets and more! I began by laying them out on a piece of white paper that was about the same size as the frame I would be using.

I rearranged them multiple times and still wasn't happy with the result. I think there were too many options. I narrowed it down to just sporting events, chose a smaller frame and began working on the layout again.  I still was not loving it.

Greg and I have been to 4 Michigan State Football games together, including the Big Ten Championship game (which had an awesome ticket). I grabbed the tickets from those 4 games and shifted them around a bit.

Much better. It was very personal, brings back lots of memories yelling "Go Green, Go White" and I knew my husband would approve.  I used removable adhesive on the back of the tickets and adhered them onto a white piece of paper.  In the future, when we have more tickets to Spartan football games, I can find a bigger frame and the tickets won't be ruined.

The last step was to hang it on the wall.

It's on the top row in the middle

Up close

Here is the view of the wall looking to the right:

and left:

The art in the frames include favorites from our relationship, Murphy, a house picture, engagement pictures/where we got engaged, wedding invite, wedding pictures, our wedding song in tree form, map of places we have traveled together, important dates, Ohio watercolor, a dried flower from my wedding bouquet and of course the newest ticket art.

Challenge complete.

xo, Erin


  1. The wall looks beautiful!!


  2. This is such a cute idea! I used to save ticket stubs with hopes of doing something crafty with them. Then I realized I don't scrapbook so I got rid of them... I should have done something like this with them! I may still have a few of the most special ones. Great idea!

    P.S. love your gallery wall :)
