
Friday, March 2, 2012

hello friday

I'm linking up over at Lauren's blog today for some High Five for Friday action.

I'm excited Friday is here! We plan to do a lot of tiling, eating, tiling, sleeping, tiling, watching tv and tiling these next couple days. Sounds like a fun little weekend to me, and no, I'm not joking.

But first, here are 5 of my favorite things that happened this week:

1. I finally started this blog. After months of debating, it's official and I'm loving it

A good picture to represent this blog. My husband, our jeep, and the dunes.

2. We had a mild week which allowed for lots of fresh air and long walks outside. 

Yes. 72, in February, in Ohio.

3. Michigan State Homecoming Football tickets were purchased yesterday. Can it be October please?

Homecoming 2011. Michigan State victory over Wisconsin. Amazing.

4. I tried a yummy new recipe for dinner and it was a success

Weight Watchers Pizza Pasta Casserole
from here 

5. My hubby got an awesome raise at work. I'm so proud :)

Tiling begins after dinner... I will be posting soon about our tile lessons learned along the way.

xo, Erin


  1. Oh my goodness, you're a Spartan. Me too! I'm hoping to make it to a couple games this year. It's the first full season in awhile that I've been in Michigan. I haven't been to a game AT MSU in probably five years. Horrible! Go green and happy Friday!

    1. My husband is a Spartan which ultimately means I am too :) Go white!

  2. I've seen that recipe on Pinterest before. Yours looks amazing! I might have to try that this weekend. Thanks!

    Happy Friday!

  3. Congrats to your hubby! And yay for your blog :)

  4. love it! that recipe looks so good...just may have to try it!

    happy friday :)

    xo lauren

  5. Congrats on the raise :)
    And that pizza dish looks fantastic!

