
Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five For Friday

Well, it's Friday. You know what that means. 

I'm linking up with Lauren to share my 5 favorite things from the week. Check out the link-up party and join the fun!


1. Nap time with Murph Man. Enough said.

2. Victoria Secret Semi-Annial sale. I had a $100 gift card and spent every penny plus some :)

3. Our yummy dinner one night... grilled chicken with pico de gallo on top.

4. I added some flowers to my glass jar and love the warm feeling it gave to the cabinet

5. I caught Murph hanging with his buddy this week. He always make me laugh

Have a relaxing weekend everyone!

xo, Erin


  1. Ohhhhh is the sale still going on?????? Gonna go tomorrow!


  2. LOOOOOVE the Victoria's Secret sale! I just bought a bunch of bikinis super cheap! :)

    Happy Friday! xoxo

  3. yeah for a gift card! that is awesome! and your dog is so cute!

  4. Those flowers in the jar are so beautiful! I'm thinking of doing something similar with flowers next to my TV... I have some "pinspirations" ;)

    Oh, and I love your dog.
