
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Small projects

Painting didn't happen this weekend. Oh well. Greg told me that the little things need to get done first. There were lots of minor plumbing issues that needed to be attended to. Like a whistling toilet, a toilet that flushes by itself, a leaky shower faucet.... you get the point.

The previous owner was an engineer, and tried to repair pvc pipes under the kitchen sink with electrical tape. Really? Just when you thought you saw it all. Rather than fixing just one pipe, Greg re-did all the plumbing under the sink because the pipes were old, had build up in them and stunk.

Greg and I drink a lot of water, like that's all we ever drink. Woodgate had a refrigerator with a water dispenser on the front of the door. I didn't know how good we had it until we moved and our new fridge doesn't have this feature. It saved us tons of money because we weren't buying bottled water. The inspector suggested installing a whole house water filtration system. Greg did some research, ordered one off of Amazon and installed this bad boy in our basement. Once we get some carbon filters, drinking water from the faucet will be the same as bottled water. I'm all about saving money and the environment.

While Greg was busy in the basement working on the filtration system, I spent the morning outside pulling weeds. Definitely not a fun job, but it needs to be done. I hope now I can keep it under control.. we have so many garden beds and islands! I wish I took a before picture, but here is the view leading from our driveway to the back patio.

A few other things that got done this weekend were:

Organizing the family room -- need to figure out what kind of media stand we want

picking up some potential paint samples

buying a dresser off Craigslist for the living room (I want to paint or re-stain it)

Looking forward to getting some color on the walls in the near future!

xo, Erin


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  2. I love the dresser!! I can't wait to see what you do with it!
